Latest News and Information

  • November 29

    Press Release: Statement on NY Governor Cuomo Signing into Law New Anti-Bot Ticket Legislation

    NATB, representing professional ticket resale companies that oppose the use of bots, welcomes new law to help maintain a fair and level secondary market

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  • November 29

    An Important Step in the Right Direction: NFL Halts Minimum Pricing for Resale Tickets

    by Gary Adler, Executive Director and Counsel, NATB

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  • November 22

    The Cleveland Indians Should Take the Long View and Not Punish their Season Ticket Holders

    by Gary Adler, Executive Director and Counsel, NATB

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  • November 6

    Fans deserve fair access to World Series tickets

    by Gary Adler, Executive Director and Counsel, NATB

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  • October 28

    Teams Should Not Punish Their Season Ticket Holders

    by Gary Adler, Executive Director and Counsel, NATB

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  • September 19

    Video: Senator Jerry Moran Speaks on Your Right to a Secondary Ticket Market

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  • September 13

    Press Release: NATB Commends Today’s ‘Examining the BOTS Act of 2016' Subcommittee Hearing

    BOTS Act is a Positive Step, but Legislation Can Go Farther to Protect Consumers

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  • September 7

    Marlins, others need to play fair with ticket holders

    By Gary Adler, Executive Director and Counsel, NATB

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  • August 15

    Press Release: NATB Charity Kick-Off: $1.6 Million in NFL Tickets

    National Association of Ticket Brokers Celebrates Seventh Year with Ronald McDonald House Charities® in 32 Football Cities, Helping Families During Difficult Times

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  • August 10

    Abusive Ticket Rules Hurt Consumers

    By Gary Adler, Executive Director and Counsel, NATB

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  • August 2

    Press Release: “Protect Ticket Rights” Now LIVE: Ticket Owners and Resellers Have Rights

    National Association of Ticket Brokers Campaign Advocates for Consumer Choice and an Open, Competitive Resale Market for Tickets to Live Events

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  • July 29

    Why “Protect Ticket Rights” and Why Now

    By Gary Adler, Executive Director and Counsel, NATB

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